Sunday 19 April 2009

Vicious keyboards and stuff.

I'm back. Battling with the obnoxious wireless keyboard. I swear that it hates me. I have to either type slowly and/or go back over all that I write and add in the letters that it missed out. Before anyone says that it's just bad typing, I don't have this problem at work.

Well today is Sunday. Chat on the Alphaville forum tonight. I like Sundays. Especially ones when I don't have to work tomorrow. I can stay up late. Late for me is 11pm.

For years I've battled with tiredness.I don't know what the cause is, I spend a lot of time begging doctors for help. So far I've been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which I have doubts about. I know a few people with CFS from online support groups and the diagnosis doesn't seem right. I can't remember when this started, I have been half asleep for most ofmy life. I have another appointment in May so I'm pinning lots of hopes on that. Otherwise the consensus from Drs so far is, here's a diagnosis - next! Not very helpful when an hour after getting up you're fast asleep again. How many years am I expected to put my life on hold?

This is not a cry for sympathy, mostly I wish the world would leave me alone and just let me sleep.

OK enough for now.

First Blog

Starting my blog. I keep reading other people's blogs and thinking that I should have a go. Why not type all those ideas here rather than letting them clutter my brain. I should nickname it the pensieve.

First of all I need to decide what kind of a blog this will be. Will it be a warts and all exposé of my life which I'd be embarassed for friends, family and colleagues to see? Nope. Got enough places for that. Mostly the cluttered brain. Anyway not much happens there. Will it be an exciting tale of my travels, adventures and the things that I get up to? Doubt it, never was any good at fiction. Oh well, it'll be what it is. Honest, I hope.

The words "tired" and "exhausted" will appear a lot. Just as they appear a lot in my own life. There won't be many tales of falling out of clubs, I don't do that. Just the odd (sometimes very odd) night at the Pig and Whistle. (Not its real name. Also known as the Hog and Bucket among its many aliases.) I may occasionally take off at short notice to see a band play live. Food may be an issue. (I'm a foodie.) The odd whinge (I'm grumpy) and some comments on life in general. Feel free to switch off now. Bye!